Sir Frank Peters
Fearful children become fearful adults
Corporal punishment isn’t new. It shares birthday celebrations with the weather.
It’s senseless, evil, cruel and wrong to beat children
Parents often talk, even boast, about how much they love their children.
Encourage children, don’t beat them
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) is royalty in the world of vitamins because of its many benefits to the human body, as most, if not all, medical experts will tell you in chorus.
Corporal punishment: Heal wounds or continue to bleed
Atrocious! Awful! Abysmal! Appalling! Brutal! Cold-hearted! Cruel! Inhuman! Dreadful! Deplorable! Distressing! Disgusting! Ferocious! Frightful! Ghastly! Gruesome! Ghastly! Grisly! Hideous! Horrendous! Horrific!
Violence should not be taught in schools
Today (Friday, January 13) is the 12th Anniversary of a milestone in Bangladesh's history when the Supreme Court ruled corporal punishment to children was wrong and a grave deterrent to the progress of the nation.
Corporal punishment isn’t right in eyes of God or man
In 2022 there were some stomach-churning, ultra sickening; deplorable acts performed on innocent children in various parts of South Asia. No doubt they suffered similar fate in other regions of the world, too.
Unbelievable cruelty to children
I’m sure you’ve read or heard about the Dale Carnegie biblical-like, highly influential, life-changing book “How To Win Friends and Influence People”. If you haven’t you owe it to yourself to grab a copy and read it. Countless millions of copies have been sold worldwide.
Hit your child and lose their love and respect
Corporal punishment is the most widespread form of violence against children and is surprisingly common in (loving) homes, in (loving) schools, in (loving) madrasahs and all other allegedly (loving) environments where children are found.
Daughter relays Sonar Bangla baton from Bangabandhu
Deeply entrenched in local history and frequently espoused with great gusto and enthusiasm by many is Bangabandhu’s dream of the nation he fathered becoming a Sonar Bangla (Golden Bangladesh).
Corporal Punishment is responsible for much that ails Bangladesh
The use of corporal punishment in Bangladeshi schools and madrassas is in decline, or so it seems.
Judge declares: principals accountable for teachers’ behaviour
Don’t let anybody tell you there is no evil within our schools/madrasas education systems. Those who do are lying, just don’t know, or are covering up the sordid facts.
Load-shedding: Blessing or Curse?
Load-shedding is like the weather, it affects all of us, and we’re all in it together. The phrase load shedding is on the sun-scorched lips of every man, woman and child in Bangladesh.
Corporal punishment is cancerous to Bangladesh
When will the madness and cruelty of corporal punishment end? Bangladesh is seemingly taking two steps forward and one step back.
How low can humanity go?
Two minor boys were rescued last week from a horrific hellish experience. In an obscene act of cruelty and child abuse, their feet were heavily chained like wild animals to prevent their escape from Lucknow madrassa in Gosainganj.
Mahbubul Alam: An Editor to some; a friend to all
I'm finding it difficult to believe it’s been eight years since the former Editor of the Independent newspaper Mahbubul Alam died. No doubt he now occupies a work-station beside the Almighty in heaven, complete with a supercomputer and the latest in mobile phone gadgetry.