How to Clean Baby Bottles
08 November 2022, 09:32 pm | Updated: 25 March 2025, 04:22 pm

Many parents choose bottle feeding for their babies. If you don’t compromise your child’s health and safety, it's requisite and important to properly wash and sanitize the baby’s feeding equipment. The process includes cleaning or sterilizing each bottle with the teat, and screw cap after every feed until they are at least 12 months old. Let’s take a look at the proper tips and tricks to n and sterilize baby bottles.
Health risks of babies for using unsanitized feeding bottles
Babies under 3 months old are more vulnerable to viruses and bacteria as their immune systems are underdeveloped. The South Australian Women's and Children's Health Network stresses that it is important to sterilize bottles to prevent sickness in infants up to the age of 6 months — or even up to a year. If the bottle is not washed or poorly washed bottles after each feed, it may expose your baby to certain risks, including:
Tooth Decay
Generally, tooth decay in babies can occur as the result of vulnerability to liquids for a long time like if you allow them to sleep with a bottle that contains juice. When a baby sleeps with keeping juice or liquid like milk in their mouth, this liquid allows acid-producing bacteria to build up in their mouth and cause teeth decay.
According to the Northern Ireland Public Health Agency, formula milk contains bacteria and they can multiply if a bottle is left at room temperature.
Rotavirus is a type of stomach bug that can spread from touching contaminated objects or surfaces. So, it is imperative for you to wash your hands frequently, especially before preparing baby bottles.
Cronobacter Infections
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the national public health agency of the USA, Cronobacter germs can contaminate dry, powdered foods including infant formula and, subsequently, baby bottles.
This type of bacteria can cause a very rare but life-threatening blood infection called sepsis. Sepsis can happen particularly in infants.
Right ways to keep baby bottles & other feeding equipment clean Properly Wash Your Own Hands
Many people forget this important and crucial first step. Research has shown that about 97% of people don’t wash their hands properly before preparing baby bottles. For this reason, most of the cross-contamination happens. Therefore, make sure you have thoroughly sanitized your hands before preparing baby bottles.
However, if you are about to feed the baby with a bottle while staying outside the home, try to use sanitizer or find the nearest restroom to wash your own hands thoroughly with soapy water so that you can prevent yourself from transmitting germs onto the bottle or nipple.
Wash Bottle Parts Separately with Warm Water
You need to wash every and each part of the baby bottles. Don’t focus on the type of bottle you're using. Separate every component and wash each part properly.
Then, rinse each part of your bottle under running Water. Though you can rinse the baby’s feeding equipment under cold or warm water. It is wise to rinse the bottles and equipment under warm water. Warm water helps to kill germs.
Scrub in Soapy Water
When your rinsing the bottle parts under running water is done, fill a separate basin with hot water and soap. You need to use a dedicated brush to scrub each part individually. However, make sure you use this brush to clean the baby bottles only.
You can also use a good dishwasher instead of soap to wash every part of the baby’s feeding equipment.
You can dip the bottle parts under the dishwasher mixed water or soapy water for some time.
When brushing is done, rinse each part of the bottles and other feeding tools under running water again.
Dry on a Rack or Clean Space
After washing dry every part of the bottle or feeding equipment with a clean paper towel or dish towel, and store them in a dust-free, clean space. Let them air dry but not patting them dry, as patting them dry can transfer germs from the towel to the newly cleaned bottle.
Other Ways of Sanitizing Baby Bottles
There are several ways you can sterilize, sanitize and clean your baby bottle:
Boiling sterilization
Boiling is the most reliable way of sterilizing baby bottle-feeding equipment. So boil all equipment after every use or within 24 hours of use.
First, take the washed bottles, teats, rings, and caps in a large pot and fill the pot with sufficient water so that everything is covered. Make sure all air bubbles are disappeared. Then boil everything for 5-6 minutes. When everything is cool, take them out with tongs or clean hands. Throw off excess water. It is not necessary to dry the bottles. Finally, store them in a clean container in the fridge.
Chemical sterilization
This is the way where you can sterilize baby bottles with an antibacterial solution that is available in liquid or tablet form. This is one type of bleach that is mixed easily with water. Although it is enough strong to kill bacteria, it’s safe for your baby.
First, you must follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to make up the solution the right way. Remember, the solution will work correctly when it’s made at the right strength. Completely drown-washed bottles, especially every part of the bottles including teats, rings, and caps.
Let everything keep in the solution for the recommended time. You can keep the equipment in the solution for the whole day. Remove equipment using tongs. Remove excess solution, but don’t need to dry the equipment. Store everything in a clean container and put the container in the fridge.
Steam sterilization
In this system, you heat your equipment to a temperature high enough to kill bacteria. First, keep clean equipment in the unit and add water following the manufacturer’s instructions. Then, on the switch.
As it is automated, the unit switches itself off when the work is completed. Store equipment in a clean container and you can follow the manufacturer’s instructions to know the exact time you can store sterilized equipment.
Bottom Line
So far we have discussed the simple steps to clean baby bottles efficiently. You can also follow the sterilization methods to get your baby's bottle and other feeding types of equipment sanitized and ready for use to avoid the risks of bacterial infection or contamination. Don’t forget to clean the bottle just after every feeding to prevent any bacterial contamination.