How to protect your child from sexual abuse?

01 January 2022, 07:45 pm | Updated: 21 February 2025, 05:06 pm

How to protect your child from sexual abuse?
Photo: collected

Parents teach their young children many ways to keep themselves safe. But generally parents avoid teaching the kids about body safety until they become much older. Research by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) shows that one in half-dozen boys and one in four girls get sexually abused before reaching the age of eighteen. Although there is no reliable way to protect children from sexual abuse, here are 10 proven strategies to save a child from sexual abuse.

1. Talk about body parts early:

Talk to your children about body parts very early and use actual names for body parts. Teach your child what the real words are for their body parts. If a child feels comfortable using these words and knows what they mean, then he/she can talk plainly whether improper things have happened.

Make your child understand that some of the body parts are private because they are not for everyone to see. Tell them that only mommy and daddy can see them naked but not anyone else. People outside of the home should only see them with their clothes on except the doctor. Because the doctor can check their body and mommy or daddy or both are there with them.

Moreover, teach your child about body boundaries like no one should touch their private parts and that no one should ask them to touch somebody else’s private parts.

2. Awareness about Picture of Private Body parts:

Tell your child not to allow anyone to take pictures of their private parts. Most of the parents missed this part. They may not imagine such a thing can happen. In this whole world, there are some sick people called groomers who love to take and trade pictures of naked children online. This is a global problem and it puts your child at risk. So, tell your child not to allow anyone to take pictures of their private parts.

3. Show interest in your child’s day-to-day life:

Be engaged in the child’s life. If you cordially engage in the child’s life, the sexual abuse of your child can be more clear to you and the child also feel easier coming to you if something unexpected happens. Be friendly with your child. Question them like:

- What did they do during the day and who did they do it with?

- Who did they sit with at lunchtime?

- What games did they play after school?

- Did they enjoy themselves?

4. How to prevent sexual abuse of child:

Encourage your child to come to you if they have questions or if someone is talking to them in a way that makes them feel embarrassed. If they do come to you with questions or anxiety, pay heed attention and take the time to talk.

5. Talk about the media:

Most frequently, incidents of sexual violence are covered by the news and depicted in television shows. Make a friendly conversation with your child about this coverage. You can ask questions like,

- “Did you notice this occurrence earlier?”

-“What will you do if it happens to you?”

Get your children to realize that these are important issues to talk about with them.

6. Know the warning signs:

Try to recognize the warning signs of child sexual abuse. If you notice even any small changes with your child or a child you know, you have the ability to take steps to make a big difference in that person’s life.

7. Teach ways to avoid scary or uncomfortable situations:

Some children feel uneasy with telling people “no”— especially older peers or adults. Tell them that they need to say “no” with adult people also if they notice something wrong is happening. Teach them words to get out of uncomfortable situations.

Tell your child that if someone wants to see or touch private parts they can tell them that they need to leave immediately because mom is calling them. Build a friendly relationship with your children so that they never feel that they will be in trouble if they tell you a body secret. When they come to you, never punish them for speaking up and empathy with them.

8. Teaching Kids’ code word for dangerous situations

Take a code word your children can use if they feel unsafe or want to be seized. You can give a code to your older children so that they can use it at the time of feeling unsafe. Advise them to use it in any situation they feel uncomfortable.

9. Teaching Child about Trust Boundary

Explain to your kids that only your-mommy, daddy, or someone who is responsible to take care of you might touch your private parts at the time of cleaning or if you need cream. But no one else like friends, aunts or uncles, teachers or coaches should not touch them there.

10. Spread Awareness & Support prevention programs

Elementary support for children from parents & others can be the best way to prevent child abuse. To do this, parents and others can be educated through after-school activities, parent education classes, and mentoring programs. Most often involvement happens only after abuse is reported. Prevention programs such as family counseling and home visits by nurses who provide assistance for newborns and their parents can stop the abuse before it occurs.

parents awareness child sexual abuse

If you see a child being abused, give a report to your state's child protective services department or local police. Be sympathetic during the time of talking to a child about abuse. Listen to them carefully, convince the child that he or she did the right thing by telling an adult, and ratify that he or she is not responsible for what happened.

The above-discussed proven steps will help you to protect your child from sexual abuse. Tell your child to apply these rules even with relatives, neighbours, acquaintances, strangers, and even with another child. Make your child aware about body safey and spread awareness to the society to protect the children from sexual abiuse.

Category : Lifestyle