Can business ethics deny social responsibility?

01 March 2023, 07:25 pm | Updated: 25 March 2025, 04:46 pm

Can business ethics deny social responsibility?

Always speak the truth, don't tell a lie, don't be cruel with nature such a tiny bird, don’t destroy crops of others field, don’t steal even a single mango from others tree, don’t cheat, don’t blame your friends for the pen missing from your reading bench if you are the culprit. We are all taught those basic ethics at a young age.

Unfortunately, ethical dilemmas are rarely that simple and particularly so in relation to business ethics. Like, many business resources have been erected on the heart of open verse green paddy field inside some lonely village. Crops field captured by any means. Shading tears have been under covered of small group of innocent farmers with heavy sand collected from nearby revers and also violating the government rule and declaration the prohibition of prime minister. Dumb trees, many species, living homes gone through under the destruction of so called business lord.

Though some of them that act responsibly and demonstrate social awareness regarding how to save nature, natural resources, environment, environmental pollutions, specially food resources such open cultivation lands. But, they are doing that harms without any hesitations.

No, a business should not steal another’s intellectual property, mislead a court about doing so and if caught, blame others rather than accept responsibility, however these are not the areas in which organizations run into issues. If a business is doing any of these then it will be doing so with its eyes open.

Practicing good business ethics in the majority of instances is an important ingredient in the recipe for success.

Like individuals, organizations have a responsibility towards the wider impact that decisions taken today will have on generations to come.

Short-term gains at the expense of longer-term problems is not acceptable.

Social responsibility is a crucial part of business ethics. A responsible organization considers and recognizes the impact that its decisions and activities impact on society and the environment; and behaves in a manner that positively contributes to the sustainable development, health and welfare of society.

It is an expectation than organizations will not exploit people or the environment in the pursuit of self-profit, behaving and conducting business ethically and with sensitivity towards social, cultural, economic, and environmental issues.

A global trend is the greater awareness of good Business Ethics and the performance of organizations against their social responsibility obligations.

Failing to understand and recognize the importance of these issues may prove to be a nature killer, particularly when an organization gets it wrong. They should get back their own bags.

Asadul Haque Khokan, Journalist and Analyst  

Category : Opinion