Price of broiler chicken coming down at market level
25 March 2023, 09:33 pm | Updated: 23 March 2025, 07:26 pm

Due to the decision of selling broiler chicken at Tk 190 to 195 per kilogram (kg) at the farm level in the month of Ramadan, the price of the chicken has started coming down at the markets here.
Directorate of National Consumers Right Protection (DNCRP) Director Manzoor Mohammad Shahriar said that as per the announcement taken on Thursday, the companies started selling broiler chicken at Tk 190 to 195 per kg and a positive impact has currently taken place at consumers' level.
"As a result, the price of broiler chickens in the market has started to decrease. Within two to three days, the market price will come down further," he added.
Earlier, the DNCRP summoned the 'big four' companies - Kazi Farms, Aftab Bahumukhi Farms Limited, CP Bangladesh and Paragon Poultry and Hatchery Limited - at the conference room of DNCRP at city's Karwan Bazar area for explanation of selling broiler chicken at high prices on March 23.
After having a fruitful discussion with the representatives of the 'big four' companies, on that day, all reached a consensus about selling poultry chicken at Tk 190 to 195 per kg at the farm level.
Meanwhile, a total of seven DNCRP teams conducted raids in various markets of the capital.
During the time, the officials concerned found that broiler chickens were being sold at Taka 240 to 245 per kg in 'New Market Bazar' while around Tk 210 per kg at wholesale price in Kaptan Bazar of the capital.
Assistant Director of the DNCRP Abdul Jabbar Mondal said that the price of broiler chicken per kg is started coming below around Tk 200 in Kaptan Bazar here.