Digital marketing taking place of traditional marketing system

18 January 2022, 04:37 pm | Updated: 22 February 2025, 10:52 am

Digital marketing taking place of traditional marketing system

The wheel of the chariot of the great age never stop, it moves forward and it is still moving. Age in return, tomorrow. Lifestyle changes, culture changes. The greatest mystery in the search for the mysteries of the undiscovered world of science is that man is omnipresent and preoccupied. The various means of pleasure for their own needs have been created by the mysterious creation called man himself. They are the inventors of the various materials of non-creation.

At this time of the modern information technology revolution, various changes have taken place in the concept of marketing of goods or services. Digital marketing is taking the place of the traditional marketing system. Because modern people are increasingly leaning towards digital or online. Online media has made a difference in everything from business to shopping.

With the help of technology, people’s lives are constantly changing and their means of income are also changing. At one time, business promotion or marketing was analog, but now digital media has also contributed to it. This is what we call ‘digital marketing’. At the same time, this medium is opening a new horizon of employment.

In this age of information technology, digital marketing is essential for an organization, person, job or service to reach people of all walks of life in a very fast time. Only a skilled digital marketer can introduce an organization to internet users including social media.

On the other hand, this medium can be one of the tools to solve the problem of unemployment in present-day Bangladesh. There are countless examples in the country where anyone can easily earn money by connecting with the country and the world through freelancing while acquiring the right knowledge about digital marketing.

It is very easy to get rid of the curse of unemployment if you are able to acquire skills in digital marketing. Because there are a lot of job opportunities in this sector. At present, career experts see this sector as the most promising way for career success.

It is time to get a job in the country or abroad or to become an entrepreneur and acquire skills in digital marketing. Some young people are continuing to work for the purpose of creating skilled manpower in digital marketing.

Some of the young digital marketing experts in the country are teaching digital marketing to other interested youth without any remuneration through their respective platforms. Teaching how to create income through this or become an entrepreneur using this medium, is also collaborating in the field of digital marketing.

Md. Tajbir Husain is one of the pioneers in digital marketing for the youth. Although the official name is Md. Tajbir Husain, he is known to all in journalism and organization as Tajbir Sojib. Since 2011, he has been working tirelessly on journalism and digital marketing in various online-based organizations.

Several online portals, direct involvement with several e-commerce sites have made him interested in digital marketing ever since. He is currently the CEO and Director of the Digital Marketing Department, a mainstream online news portal. He is also the editor and chief executive of the print version of the online media. He is also the founder of a digital marketing firm and a digital marketing advisor to several e-commerce companies. He has been helping hundreds of young entrepreneurs in online businesses for free. Md. Tajbir Husain Sojib provides training on digital marketing to students in various educational institutions.

He also trains employees in digital marketing in various corporate organizations. Md. Tajbir Husain is also working as the Director of Digital Marketing at Sonargaon University, a private university.

In light of his 11 years of experience, he has authored a book, Effective Methods of Digital Marketing, on digital marketing and SEO.

Besides his practical experience, Md. Tajbir Husain has enriched himself by successfully completing a number of practical professional courses, online courses from a number of internationally renowned institutions, and a certificate course in digital marketing from Google Garage. He has further enhanced his skills in digital marketing by taking a certificate course on digital marketing from IBA of Dhaka University.

For his contribution in various fields, he has so far collected 8 honorary mementos from the ministers of different ministries. Since 2013, Md. Tajbir has received various national-level honors for his courageous journalism, editing and as an organizer.

He is teaching part-time at two universities. He received the Student of the Year (Honorable Mansion) at Notre Dame College and received the honor from the then Education Advisor. He is the founding president of a club of educational activities including Notre Dame College, under whose leadership the club has organized various events at the national level for 10 consecutive years–where selected students from 100 college students work on their shelf development throughout the year.


Md. Tajbir Husain, Digital Marketing Expert


Category : Technology