Soroj Mehedi made brand ambassador of MEDCOM-2023
11 November 2022, 12:15 am | Updated: 25 March 2025, 04:27 pm

University teacher, researcher and young literary persona Soroj Mehedi (Md Mahady Hasan) has been elected the brand ambassador to the 8th World Conference on Media and Mass Communication (MEDCOM-2023).
According to a press release issued by the Managing Director of the International Institute of Knowledge Management (TIIKM), Isanka P Gamage on Thursday, Mehedi will join the promotional work for Medcom-2023 both globally and locally. The conference is scheduled to be held at Bangkok, Thailand on 16 and 17of March next year.
A good number of media and communication experts from different parts of the globe, including the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Australia, Netherlands and the like are supposed to join the conference.
Anyone from Bangladesh can contact Mehedi to join the conference. There is a limited number of funding opportunity as per his recommendation.
Mehedi, currently working as a lecturer at Green University became first and received first-class in ‘Masters Research Program in Basic Journalism’ from Istanbul University in 2018 with Turkish Govt. scholarship.
Then he returned country and started teaching. While staying in Turkey-with European Union funding in 2016 — he completed a credit program on 'European Studies' from Pannonia University of Hungary. In 2017, he did another credit program on ‘European Studies’ from Turkey’s Kadir Has University, which was also funded by the EU. Since 2018, he has been teaching Turkish language as a part-time teacher at the Modern Language Institute of University of Dhaka.
Mehedi has one journal and five other Conference publications. Recently he wrote a Trilingual pocket dictionary on ‘Bengali-English-Turkish.’ One of his books written in Bengali language is on the way to be published in upcoming days.
Being an academician Mehedi is involved with various social and Cultural actives nationally and internationally alongside. He has a huge number of audiences as a young writer in Bangladesh. His first ever book in Turkish Language with ‘Political Use of Media in South Asia: Bangladesh & India perspective’ has been published from Germany.
He joined some international programs with scholarship in different countries like Germany (2017), Belgium (2017), Hungary (2016), Austria (2016) Turkey (2014-2018), Ukraine (2017), Malaysia (2018), India (2018), etc., and visited some other.